Life Itself is a Falling Object

Pnina Koren


Choreography and Performance: Pnina Koren

I thank Anat Shamgar for the accompaniment of the work and Shlomit Fundaminsky for the opportunity.

In an empty space, there wanders an impersonal body, expressing its materiality and movement. Within the body’s wandering through space, the bodily and spatial ends are revealed. Throughout the piece, the body rolls, jumps, stretches, leans, falls, rises, is slammed and thrown onto the walls and floor. Through these actions, the body examines the boundaries of space. It tries to influence space.

The piece seeks to clarify what physical bodily devotion is. It examines the disintegration of order and physical logic through the creation of physical sculptures that are human and temporal. In similarity to plastic arts, in which the material’s shape changes by being kneaded, the physical action of movement makes it possible to look at space as an empty museum-like container in which the body changes and takes form.

Pnina Koren
Koren is a Jerusalemite, freelance choreographer, dancer, body lover, movement researcher, DJ, and producer. She explores the body as concrete physical matter and thus the formation of matter that changes and moves. Koren has performed at the Jerusalem Fringe Festival, the Jazz Festival at the Israel Museum, and the 40th anniversary event of the Anna Ticho House.

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